Services We Provide
Fiber Data Exchange / Midwest Internet Exchange
Are you a data center operator looking for an additional revenue stream or an edge for your competition?
Let Fiber Data Exchange / Midwest Internet Exchange create an exchange fabric in your data center. Having an active exchange in your facilities gives you a value add for your customers, makes their experience better, and allows more exposure for your clients and your facility.
We offer three types of exchanges for Data Center partners
You have your own switch connected to our exchange fabric. From that switch your customers connect into the FD-IX fabric. This is ideal for smaller data centers or hosting providers
A standalone IX node is a fully functioning IX in a data center. This is geared toward markets where there are little to no Internet Exchanges or FD-IX might be a better fit than another exchange.
A connected IX takes advnatage of an established node to bring connectivity into your data center.
What you as the Data Center Provide for standalone and connected products
- 6U of of rack Space Minimum. If your data center has a Meet Me Room (MMR) we would need a presence in there
- Minimum of 10 amps of A+B power.
- Management internet circuit with a /29 of IPV4 space. IPV6 space if available
- Other requirements may be necessary depending on your data center configuratgion
What FD-IX provides
- switches
- Optical Gear
- low powered Servers
- Configuration, testing, and turnup
- Co-branding
- Managmenet and maintenance
- Co-marketing opportunities
- Upgrades to maintain operation
- Active engagament of IX partners for your and your customer’s services
- Support of Customers